Friday, May 2, 2008

Obama and Hip Hop?


Recently I've noticed random artists popping up with songs for presidential candidate Barack Obama. A couple months ago I came across two songs endorsing Obama, and with his recent brushing off of his shoulders during a speech, I wondered to myself what affect it would have on the race.

The first I saw, "Yes We Can" (also joined by a follow-up) is by, isn't exactly a "song," but more of a recital of one of his speeches by celebrities with guitar and piano in the back. Not a bad lineup of people on it, John Legend, Common, and Kareem Abdul-Jabar are my personal favorites, the rest are pretty much random.

Will's story behind the song

"I was sitting in my recording studio watching the debates...
Torn between the candidates
I was never really big on politics...
and actually I'm still not big on politics...
but 4 years ago, me and the black eyed peas supported Kerry...
And we supported Kerry with all our might...
We performed and performed and performed for the DNC...
doing all we could do to get the youth involved...

The outcome of the last 2 elections has saddened me...
on how unfair, backwards, upside down, unbalanced, untruthful,
corrupt, and just simply, how wrong the world and "politics" are...

So this year i wanted to get involved and do all i could early...

And i found myself torn...
because this time it's not that simple...
our choices aren't as clear as the last elections ...
last time it was so obvious...
Bush and war vs. no bush and no war...

But this time it's not that simple...
and there are a lot of people that are torn just like i am...
So for awhile I put it off and i was going to wait until it was decided for me...

And then came New Hampshire...
And i was captivated...

So a couple days after I come along this story of Kidz In the Hall making another tribute to Obama here here.

"What many fail to realize is that one person can control his or her own destiny, it just requires due diligence and the ability to fight adversity,” says Kidz In The Hall’s emcee, Naledge. “I happen to think that Barack Obama embodies everything that is promising for the future of our nation and represents the hope I sought to speak on in the song."

I have to say I definitely give Kidz anthem my vote over's. I may be a bit biased, but this is something I could actually listen to and think of as a good song, whereas Will's is a bit like a speech with fill-ins.

What I wonder is, first off has Obama even heard these? Will they have any, even a minor effect on the race? Would you vote for Obama just because he's favored in the Hip Hop community? and lastly, why does our community favor him? Is it because of the color of his skin? Or do they actual agree with his political views?

Personally I am an Obama supporter, so I'm with it.


Rap Music said...

Nice post!

Hip hop Honeys said...


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